Tale of The Night Movers
by William Kekaula
Hail, a phantom moon
traversing its cloaked
chambered recesses
of her prevalent crown.
Unspool gently and host
minding eyes
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if not ether then ei-ther
by sand blown
ei-ther not ether
they said there was no ether
only a frequency medium
a carrier of all that waves
well if there be no ether
then there has to
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The Existence of a Superhero
by Victor Isaiah
In the vast sphere realm,
Made of soils and Waters of the earth.
Anticipated I the wayfare of no mayhem,
While I traverse on the sea's heart.
Embark I
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Universal inversion
by Florence Ezekiel
Cursed love - puzzled world
chock full of anguish and misery
one SARAH-angel faced
and MICHAEL-hosea dealt with
just as Francine rivers had depicted
in her ink. Hearts of men
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Seasons and times
by Judias Jude
He was yesterday riding on a horse
But I saw him today without a horse
He was bruised and was crying in the mud
But now I see
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This Organ Vagina
by Waveney Lander-Walters
This organ vagina:
They say that beauty is in the eyes of the
Beholder, so does this organ have eyes?
the power of evil
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Written In The Stars
by Donna Brattain
encrypted stories told to long lost galaxies
curled volcanoes erupted writing on moon-lit stars
bragging to claim first prize on Haley's comet
dual dragonriders entwined on Orion's belt
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