Glacier Bay National Park Travel and Leisure

Wondrous Juneau, Playful Whales, and the Defiant Inside Passage

It was the northernmost journey's end of our Alaska Inside Passage cruise and the 2nd most remarkable destination of the trip: only behind Canada’s Yukon Territory. It was the serene, surprisingly temperate, and nature-filled Juneau Alaska. Juneau is a magnificent panorama of natur Read More

About Glacier Bay

Glacier Bay has numerous tidewater glaciers, mountains, and fjords. The temperate rainforest and the bay are home to grizzly bears, mountain goats, whales, seals, and eagles. When discovered in 1794 by George Vancouver, the entire bay was covered by ice, but the glaciers have receded over 65 miles (105 km).

Discover and explore Glacier Bay National Park in the country of United States. This online guide of information, articles, and photos of Glacier Bay helps you explore the attractions and points of interest of Glacier Bay. It is located on the continent of North America and its GPS coordinates address is latitude 58.41543 and logitude 58.41543. [Map of Glacier Bay].

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