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Grand Teton National Park and Its Spectacular Natural Features (Video)

The Grand Teton National Park embraces the most scenic portion of the Teton Range of Wyoming, with an area of approximately 150 square miles, or 96,000 acres. It varies from 3 to 9 miles in width and is 27 miles in length. The northern extremity of the park is about 11 miles south of the southern bo Read More

Some National Parks at a Glance

[Number, 18; total area, 10,739 square miles] NATIONAL PARKS IN ORDER OF CREATION LOCATION AREA IN SQUARE MILES DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS Hot Springs, 1832 Middle Arkansas 1-1/2 46 hot springs possessing curative properties—M Read More

Yellowstone: The Crown of the Continent

In the northwest corner of the Territory of Wyoming, about half way between the Mississippi River and the Pacific Ocean, and in the same latitude as the State of New York, the grand Rocky Mountain system culminates in a knot of peaks and ranges enclosing the most remarkable lake basin in the world. Read More