Wind Photos

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  • Country: Macedonia
    Scirocco (the southeasterly wind) raises waves that influence even deeper water layers, sometimes down to -7 meters. The sediment is then whirled up and the lake waters may at times
  • Country: Macedonia
    The smoke from many houses burning firewood for heating will hang over the urban area if there's no wind to disperse it...
  • Country: Macedonia
    Nice sailboat enjoying the moderate wind over the lake Ohrid.
  • Country: United States
    Destination: Colorado
    Milkweed blowing in the wind.
  • Country: Canada
    Destination: Manitoba
    Yellow wildflowers in the wind.
  • Country: Macedonia
    A wind-stolen toy looking somewhat like a naval mine was speeding downwind along the lake surface...
  • Country: Macedonia
    Sudden and strong, the snowfall came as "out of nowhere", but lasted only for about half an hour. Funny weather getting funnier by the day... Which is not funny at
  • Country: India
    Destination: Karnataka
    "Fire is his head,the sun and the moon his eyes,space his ears,the Vedas his speech,the wind his breathe,the universe his heart.From his feet,the earth has originated.Verily,he is the inner self
  • Country: Macedonia
    This dragonfly could not navigate in the strong wind and had to land on the table, where he hardly found enough traction to hold on. So he was instantly the
  • Country: Macedonia
    Far out there at the end of telephoto reach, there is a man in an open boat, working with wet hands in the freezingly cold wintry wind, trying to outsmart
  • Country: Macedonia
    Our Fuzzy, posing for more photos... :)
  • Country: Vietnam
    A stormy day in July.
  • Country: Macedonia
    The "floating phase" in the blooming algae life. Soon it will disperse into small fractals which the wind and currents will carry to new places. Life goes on.
  • Country: Russia
    I am lucky to watch wonderful sunsets over the Volga river just from my window.
  • Country: Romania
    Destination: Bucharest
    Flag of Romania????
  • Country: Bangladesh
    A lovely capture from a beautiful village of Bangladesh,where the blue sky meet with the green nature to make the scenario outstanding...
  • Country: Egypt
    Destination: Cairo
    Rice harvest season
  • Country: South Africa
    The difficulty and focus of using materials out of the nature to make fire for survival.
  • Country: Canada
    Destination: Toronto
    Morning walk in Toronto Zoo in Canada. Colourful autumn fall Yellow leaves
  • Country: Malaysia
    Sunset kisses at Damai beach Resort, kuching Sarawak, Malaysia
  • Country: Bangladesh
    When you are upsad.Just look at this pic.its a wonderful nightfall
  • Country: Malaysia
    For a few years back, I got to hear the sound of the beach everyday. Living in a small town called DUNGUN. In the morning, jogging along the way of
  • Country: Macedonia
    The wind shredding one peaceful vista... and making it somehow even more beautiful.
  • Country: Bangladesh
  • Country: Madagascar
    Destination: Nice
    The gull has found a nice place to rest, while the wind and current add some slow progress. Clever bird!
  • Country: Macedonia
    The wind makes the reed bend to the water and below, showing respect for uncontrollable force. Good thinking.
  • Country: Macedonia
    In this phase the blooming algae develop many tiny gas bubbles and the clump rises to the surface. Wind, currents and waves will scatter it far and wide, and then
  • Country: Macedonia
    Lurching through the crested, bora-raised waves and strong wind buffing, the cruising turist ship has another ten miles or so to her home harbor in Ohrid city.
  • Country: Macedonia
    Waves were hitting the fallen tree, and cormorants had to keep balance sitting on the branches. But they didnt mind the dance, since they all belong to the Nature... unlike
  • Country: Macedonia
    One of the endless varieties of cloud formations. High above, strong winds are incessantly shaping the vapors...
  • Country: Macedonia
    Storm brings more than just wind and waves to the lake - there are also some fabulous colors to enjoy!
  • Country: Macedonia
    Wind and snow tore at the spider net, and only the strongest strands remained. Enough for a macro photo or two...
  • Country: United States
    Destination: Florida
    In the wind sea birds as these royal terns are once in a while resting. Hair blow is guaranteed and in the beach fishes in places where waves return to
  • Country: India
    I love like a leaf in the wind. Please, hold your applause untill the end of performance!
  • Country: Macedonia
    High swift winds shape such clouds, and we are lucky these blow at great heights only!
  • Country: India
    Nature meet the Sand,Gravel,Clay and sky.
  • Country: Thailand
    Destination: Krabi
    The pictures shows various shades of blue from the sky and the ocean. The tranquil waves add a calming effect to the picture. The picture portrays the tranquility and silence
  • Country: India
    Destination: Himachal Pradesh
    Nice autumn morning... It was six in the morning.....wind blew silently in the laps of Himalayan hills queen I,e Shimla.. I was on the top of the famous hill of
  • Country: India
    Destination: Himalayas
    A smartphone camera capture of the fireplace.
  • Country: Macedonia
    It wasnt quite well fixed, and recent strog scirocco managed to dislodge the shield...
  • Country: Malaysia
    the moment went people at the beach with the sunset time
  • Country: India
    Destination: Wind Cave
    Clouds are gathering in sky round over the Sun. Wind Cave
  • Country: India
    Destination: Kolkata
    River Narmada, mandleshwar Madhya Pradesh.
  • Country: Nigeria
    Her only means of transport after a long day work at the market. The motion, trees, wind and all the beautiful nature surrounding her.
  • Country: Canada
    Destination: Quebec
    Ice covered a good part of a tree trunk.
  • Country: Canada
    Destination: Quebec
    Drastic cold turned these wet branches in ice sculptures
  • Country: Macedonia
    ... on the lake surface every time the weather and light angle pleasantly co-incide.
  • Country: Macedonia
    Dandelions, a sign of tenderness, fragility and inconsistency.
  • Country: Macedonia
    Coots making way through the waves. Its always strange how they decide to swim rather than fly, but theyd probably know. We humans can hardly say we understand other ways
  • Country: Macedonia
    A waterplant sheds such segments and lets them float to new destinations by wind and current, as its clever way of spreading.
  • Country: Greece
    Trees open from the sun; Leaves move in, replacing a sun-washed horizon. - in Galatas, on the island of Poros, Greece.
  • Country: Macedonia
    A small two-image stacking procedure was used to create the impression of wind in this photo.
  • Country: Macedonia
    Turist ship has stopped on the open lake whipped by a sudden bora. First I thought there was something wrong, but after fifteen minutes the engine was on again and
  • Country: Macedonia
    Time does not stop, of course. Not even at places we have arranged to process the chrysalis of true beings that we used to recognize them by. People like to
  • Country: Canada
    Destination: Manitoba
    This tiny, delicate, coral wildflower blossom lasted only a few hours before it was destroyed completely by a strong wind.
  • Country: Iran
    Small village Blue sky
  • Country: Macedonia
    Macedonia has a very favorable climate and suitable conditions for paragliders and delta plan .Near Prilep and Krusevo conditions are excellent. Here are held competitions each year.
  • Country: Macedonia
    The local wind that pushes waves right onto our beach.
  • Country: United States
    Destination: Arizona
    Leaves in the form of hearts blow in the wind sending out love from their branch.
  • Country: Macedonia
    Last act of winter, or at least so we hope! Rain and wind sweeping through the city of Struga (Macedonia).
  • Country: Macedonia
    Wild wind and waves are beating the buoy, layering it in ice. Weather on Lake Ohrid can be inclement.
  • Country: Macedonia
    In the late afternoon the snow came, born by the strong northeasterly wind. Added some laser light to illustrate the speed. ;)
  • Country: Macedonia
    Wave spray, cold northeasterly wind, and old pier posts... Enough for the creation of beautiful, although temporary work of art.
  • Country: Macedonia
    Glimpsed this ingenious way of securing the young tree against the wind, making sure it will frow straight up.
  • Country: Macedonia
    Underwater photo inserted in an over-the-surface lake photo during a spell of wind. Both photos were taken one right after another in the same location, and later combined. Fun!
  • Country: Macedonia
    Puppies at play. Wind tumbling fallen leaves has created quite an excitement!
  • Country: Macedonia
    There are spiderw which travel by wind. These let out a length of gossamer and let the wind carry them to new places. Alls well, unless the new place isnt
  • Country: Macedonia
    The last birds going somewhere to hide until more enjoyable air conditions...
  • Country: Macedonia
    A bit of wind over the Lake, but coots do not seem to mind...
  • Country: Macedonia
    The reed leaf at its best, when the wind makes it bow under the surface to collect biogas emanating from the lake bottom.
  • Country: United States
    Destination: Utah
    Natural graphics created by nature over millions of years with sheer force of wind and water at Antelope Canyon.
  • Country: Netherlands
    World famous windmills located in Netherlands, Kinderdjik. One of the most creative art of history
  • Country: India
    The picture depicts a mother bird sitting on her eggs and keeping them warm as the wind blows fast.
  • Country: Macedonia
    Wind hs created beautiful "lanes" for the boat "to follow". The darker parts are calm water reflecting pure sky blue, while the lighter parts have wavelets that scatter the light.
  • Country: Macedonia
    Interesting "lenticular" clouds over my Lake... Up there the wind must be really strong.
  • Country: Croatia
    Jilted into the sea and found who knows how many years later, these ropes are not good for anything except as photo props. Seared by the Sun, drenched by waves
  • Country: Macedonia
    Birds flying northwards in large numbers over our Lake translates as high probability of scirocco coming in from the South. And the color cas over the mighty Mt. Galicica suggests
  • Country: Croatia
    This wind lover reached home anchorage just in time to enjoy the sunset special from the local tavern terrace.
  • Country: United States
    Destination: Arizona
    Windy Point is a stop in the Santa Catalina Mountains that looks out across the valley below. Wind currents can be very dangerous in this area.
  • Country: Indonesia
    Relaxing blue sky and sea with a breezy wind at Pantai Sine, Tulungagung, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
  • Country: Canada
    A chunk of ice sculpted by the wind in fron of a january sundown.
  • Country: Canada
    A day with no wind,no rain,half sunny half cloudy in a small local park.
  • Country: Philippines
    These are the many colorful wind-driven paraws (sail-boats) on the shore of Villa Beach getting ready for the start of the Iloilo City Paraw Regatta last February 22, 2015.
  • Country: Philippines
    These are two of the very many colorful wind-driven paraws (sail-boats) getting ready in the early morning to participate in the Iloilo City Paraw Regatta last February 22, 2015.
  • Country: Macedonia
    Autumn manifests itself besides coloring the vegetation also by testing the wind and waves strength. Over the winter days there will be many heavy, and beautiful storms...
  • Country: Korea (South)
    Destination: Seoul
    This photo was taken in songdo incheon city, taken in a verry deep night with strong wind in the sky.
  • Country: Macedonia
    Telephoto shot of the Lake Ohrid surface, showing breeze zones, sun gliter, and a few waterbirds (coots).
  • Country: Macedonia
    About 12 nautical miles between the camera and the fishing boat, seen through the humid air moved by the wind over the surface.
  • Country: Macedonia
    Various wind-blown seed covers the lake surface, creating an interesting layer for reedstalk shadows to show...
  • Country: Croatia
    Waves in the Neretva Delta (rivermouth, Croatia) shallows.
  • Country: Croatia
    Neretva (rivermouth Delta, Croatia) joins the Adriatic in the shade of Peljesac peninsula. The local winds blow across the river flow, creating ideal sailing conditions. The windsurfing addicts can often
  • Country: Croatia
    As in the previous picture, only in other direction and at other time of day: the sunrise was adorned with strong wind and incredibly beautiful wave dance.
  • Country: Macedonia
    ... and right away, the Winter arrived in one theatrical moment! Carried by strong northwesterly wind, the snow kept falling like that for about two hours.
  • Country: United States
    Destination: West Virginia
    I named this photo umbrella wind because it was very windy that day and my chils was playing with this giant red umbrella so I asked her to pose for
  • Country: Croatia
    Strong wind Bora on Adriatic coast.
  • Country: United States
    Destination: Oregon
    The drive into the Alvord Desert it a truly remarkable experience; the playa opens up in front of you as the majestic Steens Mountain is revealed on the left. One
  • Country: United States
    Destination: Arkansas
    Sunflower blowing in the wind
  • Country: Macedonia
    An excellent sailing wind coming from the direction of the Sun. Thats why its effects are usually seen like this.
  • Country: United States
    Destination: California
    Natures light effect.
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Yosemite: The Approach to the Valley

When I set out on the long excursion that finally led to California I wandered afoot and alone, from Indiana to the Gulf of Mexico, with a plant-press on my back, holding a generally southward course, like the birds when they are going from summer to winter. From the west coast of Florida I crossed Read More

Yosemite: Winter Storms and Spring Floods

The Bridal Veil and the Upper Yosemite Falls, on account of their height and exposure, are greatly influenced by winds. The common summer winds that come up the river cañon from the plains are seldom very strong; but the north winds do some very wild work, worrying the falls and the forests, Read More

Five Great Waterfalls in Yosemite

There are five great waterfalls in Yosemite and a number of lesser ones which would be world-famous were it not for the comparison. During the flood waters of spring they are at the height of their beauty, amplifying the living landscape by their many columns and booming power. Later, as the snow fo Read More