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  • Country: Macedonia
    ... in our favorite Fish Restaurant... looking at the surrounding area where there are several similar nice places to enjoy your meal.
  • Country: Macedonia
    The way someone once described the butterflies... runaway flowers. Nice, isn't it? :)
  • Country: Macedonia
    One of the nice memory replays to have when the weather outside is wet, gray and cold. :)
  • Country: Macedonia
    A butterfly on a flower... quite ubiquitous, but always nice to see and photograph - again and again!
  • Country: Macedonia
    The watersnakes in my Lake seem to detect no danger from me; something I tend to regard as a compliment of sorts... and often calmly swim near me, and even
  • Country: Macedonia
    Nice sailboat enjoying the moderate wind over the lake Ohrid.
  • Country: Croatia
    An autumnal view of a nice resting place by the creek in Zumberak mountains (Croatia)
  • Country: Croatia
    A nice idea, wouldn't you say?
  • Country: Macedonia
    Nice promenade along the Lake Ohrid in the city.
  • Country: Macedonia
    I gently halted the snake to make some photos and he formed this nice pose.
  • Country: Macedonia
    Well, the small snake did not exactly say that... the idea appeared when I saw the perspective in the photo!
  • Country: Macedonia
    Adopt a feral, homeless doggie, and you will have the best possible friend. Buy a doggie, and... you will have to earn their sympathy.
  • Country: Macedonia
    The camera has measured the WB and intensity by the LED streetlight color temperature, and the Moon appeared reddish. It looked nice, so I left it untouched!
  • Country: Macedonia
    Nice co-incidence of light and shadow on this dandelion flower.
  • Country: Macedonia
    Gentle yellow rose interior; a nice place for small beings! :)
  • Country: Macedonia
    These fishermen have a nice ambient, to soothe them in their hard work. If they noticed it at all...
  • Country: Macedonia
    Nice way to celebrate! :)
  • Country: Macedonia
    Another climate change on the other side of the Lake... always nice to watch!
  • Country: Macedonia
    Nice reed forest in a nice light.
  • Country: Macedonia
    Would be nice, right? Technology is quickly advancing, but until then, we'll have to zoom in - or walk closer... :)
  • Country: Macedonia
    Got him in the nice light, this beautiful creature!
  • Country: Macedonia
    The crawdad grabs my finger... no real force to do any damage... but contact is contact, and we've subsequently spent nice ten minutes together! More in other photos... :)
  • Country: Macedonia
    The snake has paused in his swimming to see who's been following him, and so gave me a chance for a nice profile photo.
  • Country: Latvia
    White light roses
  • Country: Thailand
    Destination: Phuket
    Clouds were not nice to me that day at Phuket Beach. Thanks to the water-sports I was able to find some more insight to the capture. One pro taking care of
  • Country: Thailand
    Destination: Phuket
    It was a very nice evening @Kamala Beach in Phuket and the weather was perfect for a nice Sunset Photo Session. And, there I found a to-be couple engaged in
  • Country: Morocco
    Destination: Marrakesh
    A picture of the pine trees in a farmhouse bearing a beautiful connotation of a quiet and nice nature. The thing that made the picture so clear and light colors
  • Country: Palestinian Territories
    nice park
  • Country: Palestinian Territories
    nice tree
  • Country: Pakistan
    A fly with a drop of water in it's mouth. It's special because flies normally like dirty places. But it's a nice and clean village environment.
  • Country: Macedonia
    Nice morining, with the nightingale sound background. Real Springtime!
  • Country: Macedonia
    One peaceful, nice place to stroll, look around and make photos. Lake Ohrid, Struga.
  • Country: Macedonia
    Old wheel, retired. Now it serves the purpose of old-times-beauty only. Could be a nice wall clock face too!
  • Country: Japan
    Destination: Nice
    Pond filled with flamingos.. To take nice photos with those birds, you need to be extremely patient. They moved alot. Glad that I waited for the nicest angle for this
  • Country: Portugal
    Destination: Nazaré
    Surfer catches nice wave at the Nazaré Big Wave Tour Challenge.
  • Country: Sri Lanka
    Destination: Nice
    This is inside a bottle and I took this photo from the top of the bottle. We can see architecture of water drops made a nice scenary.
  • Country: Macedonia
    We have spent some nice hours with a group of Vietnamese photographers during their "Balkan Leica Tour". Good Light, best wishes, and greetings to the nice people on other side
  • Country: Madagascar
    Destination: Nice
    The gull has found a nice place to rest, while the wind and current add some slow progress. Clever bird!
  • Country: Macedonia
    Decided on this one for my 2000th photo on CE. I hope you find it nice enough for the occasion!
  • Country: Macedonia
    Bubi tries to be as near to us as he possibly can, and today hes discovered a nice place for himself - on the tray, right smack mid table! Of course,
  • Country: Macedonia
    Well, one photo had a nice night shoreline, the other had a Moon and not much else... so it seemed appropriate to compose this image from the two.
  • Country: Macedonia
    The girls have found a nice place and their friends have to know about it right away! What better use for data transferring wonders of today?
  • Country: Croatia
    Destination: Nice
    Photographed out of the car on the road, from about 500 meters distance; later cropped some. Not a great quality image, but one nice occasion to remember!
  • Country: Canada
    Destination: Quebec
    Winter fruits are nice to look at but are tasteless.
  • Country: Croatia
    Inquisitive robin
  • Country: Macedonia
    The olden boat preserved on its concrete support in the St. Naum Springs now features an interesting flowerpot. Good thing is, it looks nice and cant sink. Bad thing, the wood can
  • Country: Macedonia
    This is a composite of two photos with some added elements (like windowsill, frame, and the flowerpot), as I thoght it would be nice to have a view like that.
  • Country: Kenya
    Destination: Nice
    The course-way connects mainland to Lake Victorias Rusinga Island. The island has beautiful scenery and good resorts. A nice place to visit and hospitable people.
  • Country: India
    Destination: Himachal Pradesh
    Nice autumn morning... It was six in the morning.....wind blew silently in the laps of Himalayan hills queen I,e Shimla.. I was on the top of the famous hill of
  • Country: Sri Lanka
    Destination: Nice
    This moss was in my garden. It was eye catching and I thought it would be nice for a picture.
  • Country: Indonesia
    A male cophinopoda chinensis eat the prey at noon.. On cassava tree
  • Country: Macedonia
    A nice place along the Lake Ohrid shores, it is attractive throughout the year, but even more so out of season!
  • Country: India
    Destination: Kolkata
    taken the photo near by side
  • Country: Macedonia
    In the days of yore it was customary to carry a "side-arm", which could come handy when your main weapon was either too much or too cumbersome to use. In
  • Country: Croatia
    Destination: Nice
    Nice outfit.
  • Country: Macedonia
    Picked to dry and later to have some nice warm beverage in winter days.
  • Country: Macedonia
    Praying Mantis in nice light... and sheltered by hand, for fun.
  • Country: Macedonia
    ... from a nice roadside tavern where the whole park has been turned into an R&D place. Plus the view of one atractive lake!
  • Country: Macedonia
    Nice, large plant usually considered "weed" is actually both beautiful and useful. Browse the net about its medicinal qualities!
  • Country: Macedonia
    Damselfly sitting on thuya leaf cuts a nice silhouette against the sky.
  • Country: Finland
    This bird chick was floating around yellow water lilies in Keitele lake.
  • Country: Macedonia
    A damselfly on a twig, cutting a nice figure in the sunlight.
  • Country: Macedonia
    Our regular visitors just ate, and the male puts on a showwhich we understand as a gratitude, since it creates such nice photos.
  • Country: Macedonia
    Hills and mountaintops have more sunny hours than other places, looking nice even if you can only see it in a telephoto.
  • Country: Macedonia
    Wandering through the reed along the Lake Ohrid coast can bring you in position for some very nice photos. A simple sit-on-top kayak and water-protected camera are more than enough...
  • Country: Macedonia
    Its a privilege to share some minutes with other living beings, especially those that have not much long left to live. Daily temperatures are still nice, but nights are getting cold
  • Country: Macedonia
    I took this snake off the reedstalk for some quick portraits, then let it go. He wasnt alarmed in the slightest, and simply swam to another reed about one meter
  • Country: Macedonia
    One nice double restaurant with extraordinary kitchen sighted! Can be found in Struga (Macedonia), right on the lake shore. The name is Konak / Versus. Well worth visiting, all you gourmet-minded
  • Country: Macedonia
    Crow in the pine branches, cutting a nice shape.
  • Country: Macedonia
    Swan family, 2+8... Nice to see big families, isnt it? Not to mention discipline, a term already long gone from human societies... ;)
  • Country: Macedonia
    Its nice to be able to swim again and visit my underwater friends after my spell of post-op recovery. So I let this fella inspect my palm...
  • Country: India
    takin the photo darjeeling in india
  • Country: India
    Destination: Warsaw
    i have taken the photo in darjeeling
  • Country: India
    i have taken the photo on road in darjeeling
  • Country: India
    i have taken the photo darjeeling in india
  • Country: Macedonia
    ... of rain on the opposite side of the Lake. Sure means curtains for lots of outdoors activities for the folks yonder, but its just nice photo weather for us!
  • Country: Macedonia
    Heron looking for a nice fishing place, and keeping a sharp eye for the swimming watersnakes during its flight!
  • Country: Macedonia
    After an extensive photo walk, this photog has found a nice place to exchange some impressions for forty winks. The lake around him provides all the lullabies one might want...
  • Country: Macedonia
    If you dont want to walk over the rocky bottom in your fins (and you shouldnt), heres how to make it more comfortable. It has two additional bonuses, too. First, tiny fishes
  • Country: Macedonia
    Nice fish hideaway which is difficult to find, but beautiful to photograph. It even has a ceiling light of its own! There are always some fishes in there, so Im
  • Country: Macedonia
    Nice and sufficient warnings, but better watch the road instead of signs :)
  • Country: Macedonia
    Wind hs created beautiful "lanes" for the boat "to follow". The darker parts are calm water reflecting pure sky blue, while the lighter parts have wavelets that scatter the light.
  • Country: Croatia
    Destination: Nice
    Boats can be fun even on dry land, all it takes is wishing to do something nice for Mans best friend...
  • Country: Macedonia
    My favorite place in snorkeling stretches, approachable only by swimming, and I call it "my garden". In the tangle of floating roots and branches below, the snakes prey upon unsuspecting
  • Country: Croatia
    Destination: Nice
    This scene was nice to find, as it gave me the chance to rest a tad from the strenuous driving through dense soup, beside shooting some eerie-looking photos.
  • Country: United States
    Destination: California
    Enjoying a nice family day at Sand Harbor, Lake Tahoe. Nevada side near Alpine Village.
  • Country: Croatia
    Destination: Nice
    Forests have their individual atmosphere, especially visible after rain and on misty mornings. But you have to go deep and find a nice place to wait - fleeting pass does
  • Country: Croatia
    Destination: Nice
    Morning Sun reflecting off the Lighthouse windows, and the Moon. Nice winter day at Plocica isle, Adriatic, Croatia.
  • Country: Macedonia
    An ice curtain built by lake waves splashing the willow branches overnight. Next morning the Sun showed it in full glory.
  • Country: Macedonia
    Even Navy crew can have it nice - in peaceful times.
  • Country: India
    Destination: Nice
    Nice to have beening a photography
  • Country: United States
    Destination: West Virginia
    Another angle on the Stonewall Jackson Lake.
  • Country: Macedonia
    Enjoying nice weather and company along Lake Ohrid.
  • Country: Macedonia
    Nice autumn days at nice places along the Lake. Probably the best idea photographers can have.
  • Country: Macedonia
    Despite nice weather, the majority of plants has already closed down in view of incoming harsh weather. So there are only so much bars still open for the insects...
  • Country: Macedonia
    The scene looked to me like something a playful kid would shout to his older (grumpy?) parents sunning at a safely dry place...
  • Country: Portugal
    Destination: Algarve
    A nice view of a boat during a cave visit in Algarve, Portugal
  • Country: Macedonia
    Spying on a watersnake from below the surface. The sky and clouds create nice background.
  • Country: Macedonia
    Swallows are active, flitting around in great numbers, as if competing in bug-catching contest! Every now and again they take a break of several minutes, and then go up again.
  • Country: Macedonia
    One of our flowerpot lizards, close up. Theyre nice inquisitive, tame, and very efficient in bug population control. But their faces still appear similar to what we think were the
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