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Yosemite: Early History Of The Valley

In the wild gold years of 1849 and '50, the Indian tribes along thus western Sierra foothills became alarmed at the sudden invasion of their acorn orchard and game fields by miners, and soon began to make war upon them, in their usual murdering, plundering style. This continued until the United Read More

The Beauty of Lucerne, Switzerland

Rarely will you be entranced by such a relatively small town as you will with Lucerne Switzerland. Situated in central Switzerland about a forty minute drive south of Switzerland's most-renown city of Zurich; Lucerne is famous for its magnificent and well-preserved architecture and natural Read More

Salir do Porto Portugal and its Family Friendly Beach and Boardwalk

In the farm country of Portugal, down winding roads and over long train tracks, is the quiet town of Salir do Porto. Wide streets and well-kept houses give it a homey feel. Almonds and olives hang just out of reach from trees throughout the neighborhood. Miradouro de Salir do Porto Fro Read More