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Amsterdam: Where Attractions and Sights Meet Sustainable Development Goals

“This city is like no other city in the world. It is brilliant but it is bloated, and I've never called it home” - Jessie Burton about Amsterdam As a capital of the land of cheese, windmills and tulips, Amsterdam has a chance to be called as one of the most sustainable capita Read More

Lithuania as a Tender Echo in My Soul

It’s been a long time ago, a whole lot of ages have passed… So long that it seems as if it happened in the past life. Lithuania arose in my thoughts while working on a group project during my studies in Wageningen, The Netherlands. And this beautiful Baltic country instilled a sens Read More

The Palace of Mafra: Portugal's Magnificent Palace

The Palace of Mafra was built in the 18th Century and remains the most important baroque monument in Portugal to this day. It was commissioned by King João V as a symbol of his gratitude that he was able to bear children with his wife. The Palace was constructed from marble and limestone and Read More