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Top 10 Royal Palaces in Europe

These are 10 of the most beautiful and famous palaces in Europe. Not only does Europe's rich and diverse culture make it unique but so do the many royal palaces owned by the royal families. Palaces in Europe have classic and modern architecture. While every palace has its own spirit, s Read More

When in Seville, Spain, Don't Miss the Horse and Carriage Tour

When in Spain one can't miss visiting Sevilla - a city with an old world charm. And when in Sevilla one can't miss the horse-drawn carriage tour. Take a comfortable train journey from Madrid to reach Sevilla. The city and its people have so much warmth that no one f Read More

Madrid and Its Amazing Food, Fun, and Must-See Sights

Bestowed with a vibrant atmosphere throughout the city, Madrid boasts many exciting experiences (food, fun, and attractions) for both its inhabitants and visitors. Besides being in Spain, a country with several other major attractions and cities like Barcelona and Seville, Madrid has alway Read More