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Berlengas Archipelago: Portugal's Nature Destination

Rising from the clear azure depths of the Atlantic Ocean the Berlengas archipelago lies only several miles westwards from the picturesque coastline of Portugal. The group of small granite islands may seem a little out of the way from the established route of visitors’ attractions, but this mak Read More

Portugal's Fortaleza de Peniche (Fort of Peniche)

Fortaleza de Peniche (Fort of Peniche), built in the sixteenth century on the island of Peniche, began to be used as a prison in the 18th century. However, it wasn’t until 1934, during the fascist dictatorial political system of António de Oliveira Salazar, that it became a political pr Read More

Baleal and Its Impressive Geology

The picturesque fisherman's village of Baleal is located on a peninsula, connected to mainland Portugal by a stretch of golden sand and a thin stretch of beach.  The clean, unspoiled beaches along with the cool breezes, make it the ideal place to relax and play in the ocean. Enjoy a long st Read More