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  • Country: Nepal
    Destination: Naples
    We humans always fight for our freedom but we put these innocent animals behind the bars just for our entertainment. They can't speak like us though they have feelings. They

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How to Experience Italy's Amazing Amalfi Coast (or Driving Amalfi)

The Perilous Amalfi Drive We were cruising along the Amalfi Drive (formerly SS 163 Amalfitana or Strada Statale 163) on our way back from Amalfi; the village after which the Amalfi Coast is named. As we sped along the perilous road from Amalfi to Positano, we drove past a man who was par Read More

Rome in One Day? You Must Be Crazy! Don’t Do it!

If you want one of life’s more memorable experiences, take a comprehensive leisurely tour of Rome in one day. Now, that raises the question, what should you do and see when only in Rome for a day? LOL. I’m sorry, I can’t go on with this…this is a hilarious absurdity…a Read More