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Ganges River Cities of Bengal With Colonial European Heritage

If Ganga lives, India lives.  If Ganga dies, India dies’-- Dr. Vandana Shivaji, Renowned Environmentalist  It is often said that the entire glimpse of the country can be seen in the bank of river Ganges, locally called as Ganga. The holy river is not only the main river of India, Read More

Ayurvedic Treatment Havens in Beautiful Places of India

‘Ayur’ in Sanskrit means life and ‘Veda’ means knowledge. The two words together mean "the knowledge of life" and that is exactly what Ayurveda represents. Ayurveda is the science of healthy living and believes in natural healing. Combining traditional healing me Read More

Top 10 Best Honeymoon Destinations in India

The heartbeat of every part of India beats in a different tune. Every part of this country features a unique wonder. In the Northern corner, you will find the serenity of the Himalayan mountains. Travel a bit south, you get to connect with the history of millions of decades. The east part o Read More