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Thimphu, Bhutan: Where the Happiness of Shangri-La Resides

It was a cold morning in February recently when I boarded my flight to Paro to reach the capital of Bhutan, Thimpu, for a four-day visit. While I was booking my trip, I realized that there were not too many flight options available to Paro. Instead, the list of possibilities was restricted to j Read More

Kathmandu: Nepal's Amazing Gateway to Mount Everest

Nepal has always been synonymous with the Himalayas in my mind. The very thought of Himalayas gives fresh energy to the soul, and I was no exception. Just a few years back, I planned this short four-day trip to Kathmandu; the capital of Nepal and its largest metropolis. Though after this trip, I hav Read More

Ganges River Cities of Bengal With Colonial European Heritage

If Ganga lives, India lives.  If Ganga dies, India dies’-- Dr. Vandana Shivaji, Renowned Environmentalist  It is often said that the entire glimpse of the country can be seen in the bank of river Ganges, locally called as Ganga. The holy river is not only the main river of India, Read More