Why ESPN Has Removed Its Comments Feature

Written by Mark Pringle |

It looks as though ESPN has removed their commenting feature...and it is a good thing. Why, because trolling and disrespectful behavior is out of control. Until recently, anyone with a Facebook account could comment on an article. Unfortunately, people have hidden behind fake Facebook accounts and their computers to say things to others that they would not have the heart to speak face-to-face. These individuals are often referred to as Internet Tough Guys because they know there is little chance of someone going through the trouble of “cashing their tough guy check.”

It has become evident that some individuals do not deserve a voice since they do not know how to voice their opinions without degrading others. I am assuming this is why, in part, ESPN has recently removed the commenting feature from their website. Now, I do not work for ESPN, so I do not have insider information about the reason for their decision, but it is not too hard to discern other forces that may be at work.

The ESPN Brand

In addition to the foregoing, ESPN’s Brand has been taking a hit in recent years, and their comments section does not help their cause. No doubt advertisers do not want to be associated with the inflammatory and bullying comments that are the hallmark of most website comment features; regardless of the website. Additionally, being associated with the social networking giant Facebook is not a good thing these days because of Congress’s, somewhat unwarranted, inquiries into Facebooks advertising and information gathering practices.

Nevertheless, it is possible that ESPN may come up with another option for commenting that is not associated with Facebook. They’ve had this in the past. So, we will “stay tuned” to see what they will do next - if anything.

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Author: Mark Pringle
I'm just a guy who is addicted to the unfamiliar and who fulfills this addiction by traveling and writing about my travels. As a lover of sports, penning opinion articles related to sports is also a pastime.
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Card image cap bob barker - This is just a dumb article. The ESPN Message board was the only place on the website to combat it's false and/or narrative based "news" stories. The comment section represents ESPN's readers, so why on Earth would that make advertisers go away when they are there to advertise TO US? In other words, your logic is: ESPN removes it's comment section, pisses it's readers off even more (Since they're all negative bullies, according to you), make them flee to another website, lose readers/subscribers, and, as a result, will increase a companies interest in advertising? I REALLY hope you never run a company some day, for your employees sake.

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