Vietnam Travel and Leisure

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Facts, Travel, and Points of Interest

Malaysia is a country located in southeast Asia directly south of Thailand and with islands bordering Indonesia, Brunei, and the South China Sea, south of Vietnam. Comprised of 878 islands, over 500 of which are unnamed, It is a beautiful and tropical country known for having a significant infl Read More

About Vietnam

Flag of Vietnam

Vietnam is a country within the Asia (ex. Near East) region of the continent of Asia. This country has a population of over 84,402,966 Vietnamese people and covers an area of 329,560 square miles. The capital of Vietnam is Hanoi. The country's GPS coordinates address is latitude 14.058324 and logitude 14.058324. [Map of Vietnam].

Discover and explore Vietnam. This online guide of information, articles, and photos of Vietnam helps you learn about the cities, natural attractions, and Vietnamese culture.

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