thus my husband who is the kinglessking, I am his trespasser, for never shall our moon and sun cross path, what has become of me? No shinning light from that moon or those stars that once kept me safe. Oh Dear Husband what have I done? Behind the night the earth music is strong, Immortality seem far through the nights, and the darkness cover all things that are good. Yet my eyes wait to awaken to some new daybreak of you which will never come! Why have the father of creation set us apart? you were right to call me a foolish lover, So that here in your peace that which is strange warm break of you. for wisdom is truth and you are my labor, now never in this light there is no hope at all, and how I alone pray that the father in heaven let death be my friend. Oh dear husband how I suffer this lable placed upon me, for I did not take your hands in marriage. but again in all this darkness the nights has me to remember your words, you said, suffer not this in vain for the heart of it is to coastly. Desire dear husband is cold, The flames of ecstasy is unlit, the watchers are all around me, and the nights are to long for crying. The mother eyes of the earth is fading, now thrill me with your friendship, me who has stumble and strays so that I may know that you're still out there awaiting me.
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