Tale of The Night Movers

Written by William Kekaula |


Hail, a phantom moon
traversing its cloaked
chambered recesses
of her prevalent crown.

Unspool gently and host
minding eyes immersed 
within your ethereal pull
exacting Cupid's pursuit
impresses dependably.

Slay suspicious initiatives
yond hints of their riddled
hearts pausing serenity
and tryst capers a fullness
until dawning climbs to a

Anticipatory confidences 
secure immature adoration,
gift a sense of a certain fling, 
for shared planned proof that
sensorial alliance is immortal.

Abiding hearts, minds, and 
souls and that its permanence
lingers in all three entities to
be truly entrusted versus all
hardships that dare.

Any challenge purposeth
distraction swayed to disrupt
sanctioned harmony and
impose their nightly fight and
an easy win over the weak.

Lovers supposed union is but
a temporal existence, and 
Cupid's aim slumbered apiece,
held in stasis as hostages host
for thoughts to fester.

A mire of serendipity and wished
upon measures of advice, out
from this unlit pullback of the
unimaginative lost, but hail to
the victorious and glorious.

Righteous grit encountering the
opaque influences of damaging
desires to hoodwink the candid
that wore down night's ethical
battle and fortuitous claim.

Justified inevitableness outlasts
twilight's hold by conquering the
gloaming tripped-upon dawn's 
call ends nightmarish corps to 

Cherubs reward a star's chariot
ascent who condones a handheld
coursing and are hereby blessed
with a kiss of permanence and a
dreamt descent.



Copyright © TravelDailyLife.com

Form of Poetry

Metrical Tale

Author: William Kekaula
I am a retiree of the hospitality industry, presently, residing in my birthplace town of Hilo, Island of Hawaii, a.k.a. Big Island, in the 50th State of Hawaii, USA, and as a writer, I have a passion for poetry, fictional and nonfictional short stories.


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