Tale of The Last Warrior

Written by William Kekaula |
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Wouldst, such mortal
traverse the crags of
Ne'ermere tails, tis a
grayest hour whence 
Luna's twilight flits 
her crown whipped
freed of mnemonic

Hail winds bade the
cliffs fond too well,
the forest dwelleth
quietude, erring not 
to wake ired beasts.

The Black fog rose
amidst digits crag,
gorging deeply in
a slithering bout,
its murky poking
hazing to edge's
where hast steep 
crevices befallen
debris burdens.

Forgiven enemies
miserably hast to
but exclaim vapid
excuse faltering, 
absent of morals
that yield despair

Invasive spirit's of
Ne'ermere hatha
steered lost souls
to the steppes, to
the moors.

The ambling blood
moon followed a 
selection of bane
thoust chose for
dying, fast coming.

Inky's inscript on
columbine petals 
are guarded riddle,
steeped in thine 
devil's brew of 

Constant a stirring 
from tri-conjurers
and duo warlocks
of ruin, loss, and
havoc--locals all
of Ne'ermere.

A daring wraith 
bidst the gifts
amassed of 
bless souls, the
voids of trifled 
entities of a

Shortening the
navigated souls
in their mortal
state of decay,
their tenuous
grasp of wilted
massive fibrous

Remnants of a
vigorous life
surrender to
their authentic
demise via a 
hall between 
perishing slow
or death's blow.

Truly, a proper
act of granting 
their formers,
Earth's finality
prompt sail to
the sunrise of
the ancients,
and a warriors



Copyright © TravelDailyLife.com

Form of Poetry

Metrical Tale

Author: William Kekaula
I am a retiree of the hospitality industry, presently, residing in my birthplace town of Hilo, Island of Hawaii, a.k.a. Big Island, in the 50th State of Hawaii, USA, and as a writer, I have a passion for poetry, fictional and nonfictional short stories.


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