Tale of the Forgiving

Written by William Kekaula |
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Albeit a notable stretch
that stars wouldst a fairer 
share of thee and sheath
thy warm expanse.

Sire, alack thy humble
servant beseech thee,
me Lord, for wouldst
thee taketh to mind
thoust faileth thee but
'tis once at the weest' hour.

Shouldst thou beg 
the goddesses and 
gods forthwith 'tis
thy noble quest for
virtue sake that thou
mayest risk a stable
footing verily proved
thy acts of decency.

Pall's errant gift thee
a habilitating ward,
a silhouette soul, its
quaint steps for a
merciful fortitude.

To seize caring eyes
fortuitous event of
a chartreuse field
of wavery rushes
and vibrancy pell 
in crystalline spring.

A dutiful life longing
begrudged in the
greens of Evermore, 
mayhaps thoust dwelt
in the recesses of thy
bosoms for they hadst
possesseth thee so
willingly, that thoust
act gently.

Nay, nary an army,
soothly a herald of
dreams that unlade
trails ifsoe'er mingle
charmingly, napping
in cases, perchance
to claim and rescue
thyself and possibly
pretenders begone 
and ne'er-do-wells
that causeth a toss
and twirl fortuitously
erelong into the tuck
of episodic twilight's
unraveling sepulchral.

Sparkled specks and a
Chaser to settle scores
natheless thou mentored
souls that dwarf a sea of 
their gilded hearts. 

Less of a challenge when
substance, and grit, amidst
the generous few whose
serendipitously perpetuates
the moment -- forthwith.

Suite melody be the appeal
in the case of forgiveness 
for there is proper cause for
the bestowment allocation
gratuitously and without

Forbearance is the footing
lain the acts of forgiveness.



Copyright © TravelDailyLife.com

Form of Poetry

Metrical Tale

Author: William Kekaula
I am a retiree of the hospitality industry, presently, residing in my birthplace town of Hilo, Island of Hawaii, a.k.a. Big Island, in the 50th State of Hawaii, USA, and as a writer, I have a passion for poetry, fictional and nonfictional short stories.


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