
Written by Line Monique Gauthier |
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My heart is primed for the ritual

Candlelit ceremony a tribute to life

The smoke beckons my ancestors

Not sure how many lifetimes deep


Inhaling the sacred smoke

Slowly mindfully clearing my aura

As billowing wispy waves

Travel through the night air


A solemn prayer for all souls

As so many have done before me

Below the watchful moon and stars

Ethereal spirits set free

In a cycle of unconditional love


Copyright ©

Form of Poetry

Free verse

Author: Line Monique Gauthier
I started writing poetry as a teenager and the passion for it flourished since retiring. I also dabble in photography, watercolour and acrylics. I created what I call Flash Memory Therapy. I am an active member of Haiku Canada and My poetry is down-to-earth and meant to be understood as opposed to impress with hifalutin words.
My External Website (External Website Opens in New Window)


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