Secluded Art Gallery

Written by Line Monique Gauthier |
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Tiny little hole in the wall

Their real business putting on plays

But wee mini art exhibit

Open to the public

During the day


How I loved to slip away

At lunch time

Just a five-minute walk

Entering their park was so peaceful

For the workaholic in me

A most self-pampering outing

A rare delectable treat


A church-like silence greeted me

Quiet yet ever so intense

And there they were

Art pieces clamoring for attention

Craving for any bit of admiration

Sometimes the works were amateurish and disappointing

But for the few times they were awe inspiring

It was magnificently grand

Either way always worth the outing


Copyright ©

Form of Poetry

Free verse

Author: Line Monique Gauthier
I started writing poetry as a teenager and the passion for it flourished since retiring. I also dabble in photography, watercolour and acrylics. I created what I call Flash Memory Therapy. I am an active member of Haiku Canada and My poetry is down-to-earth and meant to be understood as opposed to impress with hifalutin words.
My External Website (External Website Opens in New Window)


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