Public Faces Private Souls

Written by Line Monique Gauthier |
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Crowded bustling crossroads

 people watching

 public faces  private souls

 universes onto themselves


Multidimensional yet vacant shells

 distorted souls receded deep within

 clouded over as if camouflaged

 compact pressure points


Of bubbling emotion desire need

longing ambition expectation talent

knowledge experience memory

illusion deception dream fantasy


Yet we see only the superficial shell

 till our eyes adjust to the dimension of compassion

 that warm plane where we all meet and share

in the complexity of life and living


Copyright ©

Form of Poetry

Free verse

Author: Line Monique Gauthier
I started writing poetry as a teenager and the passion for it flourished since retiring. I also dabble in photography, watercolour and acrylics. I created what I call Flash Memory Therapy. I am an active member of Haiku Canada and My poetry is down-to-earth and meant to be understood as opposed to impress with hifalutin words.
My External Website (External Website Opens in New Window)


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