About the Photographer
Retired pro, but a lifelong amateur at heart. Also a diver with decades of experience, and still addicted to underwater photography. I never go to water without a camera, to be able to record the beauties of the submerged Nature. Which, as you well know, covers the largest part of the Earth.
I will enjoy what our wonderful Earth offers to our eyes and mind for as long as I can.
Male swan beginning his shift of egg-warming. After having carefully arranged the eggs, he spends another few minutes tocover with straw any and all gaps bethween his feathers and the nest, so as to make sure there is no chance of draft...
Female now has some time for herself, to preen, stretch legs and wings, and possibly grab some snack.
Villagers are delighted by so much trust, and Im sure the birds will become quite unusual pets - both the parents, and the chicks when they hatch. It is supposed to happen in about 28 days. Photo by:
Mihajlo Filipovic
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