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Sanremo: Where a Festival of Music and Melody Meets the Sea and Sun

“Smell the Sea and feel the sky, let your soul and spirit fly”, - Van Morrison This is a place where the sky touches the Sea… It was my first feeling when I entered Sanremo- the city of music and the Sun, the city where the world-famous Sanremo Musical Festival is b Read More

My Quick Trip to Dubai: A Two-Day Itinerary

"Dubai, with all of its glitz and glamour rose in the heart of the desert." The first time I understood the reality of this quote by Soroosh Shahrivar was as soon as my plane started descending. From the window, I could see a desert with golden sand, when in a fraction of a second, Read More

Camping at Chitkul: Last Himalayan Hamlet Near the Indo-Chinese Border

The mystic and the majestic Himalayas have been carryings millions of myths, stories, and legends in its heart. For instance, the Kinnaur region of Himachal Pradesh used to be known as the land between earth and heaven. The people of this village used to be known as Kinnaras, who were believed to be Read More