Shell Photos

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  • Country: Macedonia
    The fish appeared as if guarding the passage between two straight rock on the lake bottom, but he was probably just looking for something to eat...
  • Country: Macedonia
    When you find an interesting object, and have no camera at hand, save it - like on top of the flowerpot stick - you can then photograph it later!
  • Country: Macedonia
    Caesar Rubiconem transgressus dixit nunc autem infectum pedes*... but his chroniclers thought it would be more proper to be remembered saying alea iacta est**, something he probably said while gambling
  • Country: Macedonia
    I did not look inside, not wanting to disturb the seal...
  • Country: South Africa
    Horizontal lines and perfect lighting complemented by beautiful desert hues
  • Country: _Not Listed
    Sunshine breaks ice on shell in a land of twenty four hour darkness
  • Country: Malaysia
    For a few years back, I got to hear the sound of the beach everyday. Living in a small town called DUNGUN. In the morning, jogging along the way of
  • Country: Macedonia
    Utterly static scene, so I added the Pacman to make it more lively. Strictly for fun.
  • Country: Macedonia
    Several years ago I found this sunken tree, and nowadays it is already a home for numerous shells. Life goes on.
  • Country: Macedonia
    A large underwater rock populated by numerous shells, and from above it looks quite like a settlement. Probably because in a way, it actually is...
  • Country: Macedonia
    ... but only in comparison to the bottom-living shells! These fixed on the reedstalk may have a temporarily better view, but come winter, all the reed stumps will be broken
  • Country: Macedonia
    Our Lisa often finds small beings in the grass or even underwater, and shell stand there for 20 minutes communicating in some way which were quite incapable of understanding.
  • Country: Malaysia
    the moment went people at the beach with the sunset time
  • Country: India
  • Country: Indonesia
    Shells Pyramide on the beach
  • Country: Macedonia
    The snail has traveled the wide grasslands, sands and dry asphalts to the iron pipe, upon which he climbed... to find this PET bottle covering the top. What a weird adventure!
  • Country: Macedonia
    Only an empty, fragile dry shell remained hooked to the concrete, while its former inhabitant broke out, exiting through the crack in the back. The fugitive is now a beautiful dragonfly,
  • Country: Macedonia
    Hunters have their seasons for all kinds of game, and winter brings that kind of danger for coots too. So the lead pellets end up in the lake and empty
  • Country: Philippines
    This old man tries to survive in this world by looking for food in the river.
  • Country: Macedonia
    Lizard has found a snail, broke the shell open, and is now eating the innards. You would not believe the strength of lizards jaws... but then, theyre related to crocodiles...
  • Country: Macedonia
    Small but rich in extravagant texture!
  • Country: Macedonia
    Every dwelling is abandoned, sooner or later. It is one of the ways Life tells you nothing is forever.
  • Country: Croatia
    Ancient broken vessels found in the depths of Adriatic. Sometimes people shell out lots of cash for posession of one of those, disregarding the fact that they are buying something
  • Country: United States
    Destination: Georgia (State)
    Murex shell taken in mirror
  • Country: India
    A snail on the spotlight
  • Country: Macedonia
    The Otesevo beach at Lake Prespa, covered with millions of shell remnants. The beach has a very fine sand, and this layer stretches quite far underwater, so this shell sort
  • Country: Macedonia
    Better not. The freshwater crabs are sometimes as big as a fist, and their pincers can crush a shell... so, I always watch where I put my fingers!
  • Country: Macedonia
    A close look at the freshwater shells that grow over the bottom rocks and lower parts of the reedstalks in the lake. Their main role is the filtering of water
  • Country: Croatia
    "PRESS" has many meanings, and does not always relate to the newspapers. But maybe there was some connection between what came out of the press and its former owner?
  • Country: Myanmar
    Little Snail in rain drop on the green leaf trying to jump
  • Country: United States
    Destination: Florida
    Underwater picture of a conch shell. This photo was taken in Sarasota, Florida.
  • Country: India
    Tiny snail on leaf during Monsoon .....
  • Country: Panama
    This picture reveals what the waves cover during high tide from a unique perspective. It highlights the illusion of distance.
  • Country: Macedonia
    Freshly out of his shell, this just metamorphed dragonfly climbs my arm while drying his wings. In a few minutes hell be off on his first flight in the rest
  • Country: United States
    Destination: California
    Tiny shell on a rock.
  • Country: India
    This is what nature provides to its every or dead..shade!
  • Country: Macedonia
    Some remnants we never ever see, some other kind will remain around for some time. Afterwards, shells like this one will join the silt, sands, and finally the very Earth
  • Country: India
    the beach
  • Country: Macedonia
    Freshwater shells in Lake Ohrid inhabit the shallows down to ~4 meters depth. They form solid colonies over rocks, reed roots and stalks, and grow to about 2 length. Very
  • Country: India
    Destination: Hawaii
  • Country: Austria
    found the snail shell in situ and photographed as it was. Although it looks conceptual it is a snap shot. Funny thing: trying the improve (eg by removing the berries
  • Country: Philippines
    a spider over an egg shells
  • Country: Croatia
    Shell remnants of human lunch. A rather sad scene, considering how these are protected by law. But the avalanche of summer seasons turists does nothing for nature conservation, and such
  • Country: Macedonia
    From left to right: 1) Larva climbs to the surface after 2-3 years of living underwater. 2) It anchors itself to the sunny, rough surface to dry. 3) Dried exoskeleton
  • Country: Malaysia
    Common name for Gasteracantha doriae. This type of spider has spike on its back/shell.
  • Country: India
    This photo depicts the symbiotic relation between a living(gives a purpose for a non-living) and non-living(protects the living).

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