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  • Country: Macedonia
    A satellite or drone photo of the melting ice usually shows opening of new waterways where there were none for centuries... This one is less dramatic. Although it might appear as
  • Country: Macedonia
    Watr drops on the cloverleaf, closeup. Water is embellishing everything...
  • Country: Macedonia
    Rowing sport is actually that... and the girl here is training hard for the next competition.
  • Country: Macedonia
    One of the bigger crawdads that I have met in the Lake... the length of the body would be about 15 centimeters.
  • Country: Macedonia
    ... as seen from the reflection in the lake.
  • Country: Macedonia
    The way my Lake changes face within short time... and it has many more faces for each new day!
  • Country: Macedonia
    The scene was unique, and for a moment it looked as if the mountain top was floating between the lower and higher clouds...
  • Country: Macedonia
    The light behind the bushes was quite exquisite...
  • Country: Macedonia
    Sometimes one can find the clusters of floating reed that someone has cut off to widen the beach... Sadly, people still do not understand (or respect) the role of the
  • Country: Macedonia
    A turtledove on top of the power pole, taking some rest.
  • Country: Macedonia
    They say cat's length changes in direct proportion to their curiosity.
  • Country: Macedonia
    Wavelets on the lake surface coercing sunlight rays to form into beautiful nets of nothing, crawling over the bottom.
  • Country: Macedonia
    Nothing on TV for cats, that is. The rest of us are intently following the news, especially the dire ones lately...
  • Country: Macedonia
    Mbira are a family of musical instruments, traditional to the Shona people of Zimbabwe. They consist of a wooden board with attached staggered metal tines, played by holding the instrument
  • Country: Macedonia
    The same end for everything that lives... should make us all more thoughtful, shouldn't it?
  • Country: Macedonia
    Another shot of a pretty butterfly...
  • Country: Macedonia
    Water makes everything on this Earth shine and even the polluters should finally understand this.... Go figure...
  • Country: Macedonia
    Returning from one of my snorkelling swims right in time to see the storm coming from the North... it rendered an interesting contrast and surface appearance - typically for what
  • Country: Macedonia
    Sequence of waves along the Lake Ohrid coast, the effect augmented by telephoto lens depth-of-field compression.
  • Country: Croatia
    Two photos stuck together to imagine one among the many faces of Nature.
  • Country: Macedonia
    One of those shy birds that you mostly hear in the forests... and recognize by their deep, melodious whistling... now visible closer to people!
  • Country: Macedonia
    Another example of some lazy fisherman leaving their tackle wrapped around the reed, for me to remove and dispose of...
  • Country: Macedonia
    A tomcat seemingly deep in thought, while warming on the car bonnet...
  • Country: Macedonia
    ... between a cormorant and the speedboat... Fun!
  • Country: Macedonia
    Torn off by the recent strong rain, the flower still looked embellished by the water drops.
  • Country: Macedonia
    The way it looked across the whole width of the Lake Ohrid, which is about 13 kilometers from my POV.
  • Country: Macedonia
    Closeup of the reed leaf and several gas bubbles it has generated...
  • Country: Macedonia
    This is how it looks like emerging from the reeds, while snorkeling after underwater themes with the camera...
  • Country: Macedonia
    One of our friendly cats, happy to keep us company when we're out walking...
  • Country: Macedonia
    Our Rikki has found his favorite place to rest, in the metal wire corb on the coffee table. Soon it will become too small for him, but for the time
  • Country: Croatia
    A small, beautiful and extremely curious fish, easy to photograph from small distance because if its inquisitiveness.
  • Country: Croatia
    An empty freighter sailing between Lighthouse isle Plocica and Hvar Is. in the background. Way back, you see the Biokovo mountain, delineating the mainland. Adriatic, Croatia.
  • Country: Croatia
    A nasty surprise encountered on the Zumberak mountain road (Croatia) in the morning. The road slid down during the night, luckily there was no traffic at the time. The road
  • Country: Macedonia
    The wasp is trying to make a hole in the wood (cable pylon), probably to create a safe place for the youngs... or maybe to reach something edible in there?
  • Country: Macedonia
    One of the bigger crawdads I have met in my Lake! The size and look of its pincers make him a serious pincher!
  • Country: Croatia
    View of the Limski kanal (Istra, Croatia).
  • Country: Croatia
    Bridges are the most elegant constructs, also the most noble since these are meant to connect people.
  • Country: Croatia
    On one of the diving visits to Kornati Nat'l Park (Adriatic, Croatia), I brought along an old printer cover which our non-divers used as a window to observe the underwater
  • Country: Croatia
    On the bottom of the drained barrage lake Lokve, this waterlogged old boat sits since 1964 when the lake was formed. Every ten yars or so the lake will look
  • Country: Croatia
    A view of the smaller of the two rocks that form the Plocica Isle. The larger is where the Lighthouse stands, and the narrow stone rib connects it to the
  • Country: Croatia
    A view of the gable on the house in the previous photo... It carries the inscription witnessing its year of build. Not many houses from year 1940 still exist, and
  • Country: Macedonia
    All the Best to All Good People on SC!
  • Country: Croatia
    Josip Kajetan Knezic, the famous Croatian road builder, has made his endowment in this classicist chapel of St. Mihovil above the "Csar Fountain". He made it in the period from
  • Country: Croatia
    The region known locally as Gorski Kotar will greet you with such scenery in the Fall. If you happen to be there use the old road, because you will often
  • Country: Macedonia
    Motor boats should never be left moored in water this shallow, and especially those wth a Z-drive! But some "weekend captains" do not seem to care much about such details,
  • Country: Croatia
    Peeking through the open door into the Agricultural Museum in Liburna Animal Preserve (Rasa, Istra), which is a home for formerly working animals.
  • Country: Croatia
    The figs are dried on wooden tables set in the shade, in the old traditional Mediterranean / Croatian fashion.
  • Country: Croatia
    Some islands and isles in the Croatian Maritime Park "Kornati" reveal an open dolomite crystalline vein, and I found one of those with an interesting black crab climbing over it.
  • Country: Macedonia
    I gently halted the snake to make some photos and he formed this nice pose.
  • Country: Macedonia
    Well, the small snake did not exactly say that... the idea appeared when I saw the perspective in the photo!
  • Country: Macedonia
    Using the float foam in the funniest way I have seen - so far!
  • Country: Macedonia
    The underwater rock layers look like something built, but is quite natural.
  • Country: Macedonia
    Looks way better than the ubiquitous flower corpses in a vase!
  • Country: Cuba
    You might think the plants are sex-less, but the body shapes tell all! :)
  • Country: Macedonia
    Another beautiful morning over Lake Ohrid!
  • Country: Macedonia
    A spider abseiling between two plants.
  • Country: Macedonia
    Nice co-incidence of light and shadow on this dandelion flower.
  • Country: Macedonia
    Our Kala waiting for her lunch... and she's bad at waiting... :)
  • Country: Macedonia
    An unused window in the car service serves to collect some still usable parts. Fun!
  • Country: Macedonia
    Kittens like to sleep, and they can do it up to 20 hours in a day.
  • Country: Macedonia
    My regular working companion - only, every time it's a different kitty, since we have more... :)
  • Country: Macedonia
    I run into the abandoned fishing line while swimming. Luckily I missed the hook...
  • Country: Macedonia
    Pretty rare to see in open water...
  • Country: Macedonia
    A crawdad caught at doing something that looked to be precise... thus the Title!
  • Country: Macedonia
    I hope they found that pot o'gold... Then again, it's visible only from my POV!
  • Country: Macedonia
    A local specialty worthy of everyone's taste.
  • Country: Macedonia
    Our Kala watches over the kitten as they play... Yes, our kitties have dogs for friends!
  • Country: Macedonia
    A compass can be a lifesaver in the depth, especially when the bottom looks the same in every direction, or when the visibility is low. Unlike on dry land, the
  • Country: Macedonia
    This crab could not decide how to move away from me... :)
  • Country: Macedonia
    Dead crawfish (crawdad) is something I also see, unfortunately. Just hope it's old age and not some vile chemistry...
  • Country: Macedonia
    Crabs and crawdads are not the happiest of models, and when they see he photogrme they're probably happy to see me swimming away. But it's not happening - until after
  • Country: Macedonia
    It's high time someone invented a smart paddle, so people would not have to carry their phones and cameras too... :)
  • Country: Macedonia
    By the title I do not mean only what was thrown overboard, but also the people which do it... :(
  • Country: Macedonia
    Three different color palettes taken in three different times. My Lake Ohrid.
  • Country: Macedonia
    Caesar Rubiconem transgressus dixit nunc autem infectum pedes*... but his chroniclers thought it would be more proper to be remembered saying alea iacta est**, something he probably said while gambling
  • Country: Macedonia
    A kitty helping our Kala eat her dinner... Kala does not mind, because our cats and dogs live peacefully together... :)
  • Country: Croatia
    Detail of the nameless creek in ZUmberk (Croatia). FYI, this water is/was clean enough to be potable!
  • Country: Macedonia
    If it weren't for the sunlight flare, this gossamer web would be just another spider creation...
  • Country: Macedonia
    The big bird on our beach was asleep for well over 20 minutes, and no dog barking or our whistling would make him budge at all. Then he woke up and
  • Country: Macedonia
    Have found yet another crab stuck in the fishing net remains on the lake bottom, managed to free him from the nylon strands, and have brought the net piece out
  • Country: Macedonia
    ... snagged in the lake bottom vegetation, paiently waiting for someone to step on it! Some dolt was not responsible enough to retrieve this caltrop-like tackle, and it could have
  • Country: Macedonia
    ... "the musical fruit", or "good for the heart", etc... but shown here as a culinary art... :)
  • Country: Macedonia
    Another one among many curious and unafraid chubs I meet on my swims...
  • Country: Croatia
    There's this Croatian saying, "the boat is new as long as there's wood in the forest". This boat will get her new bottom boards and, with proper caulking and a
  • Country: Macedonia
    A limited view of the beach through the linden branches and leaves...
  • Country: Croatia
    Sardines look way different when canned in oil... and here they look better!
  • Country: Tunisia
    taken in Dougga
  • Country: Tunisia
    taken in Testour
  • Country: Tunisia
    black and white rose 2.0
  • Country: Macedonia
    Another climate change on the other side of the Lake... always nice to watch!
  • Country: Macedonia
    Small kitty throwing big shadow... just a question of aspect and lighting!
  • Country: Macedonia
    I did not look inside, not wanting to disturb the seal...
  • Country: Macedonia
    Same scene as the former one, just differently port processed (lifted shadows, and a tad different framing).
  • Country: Macedonia
    Enjoying the warmth...
  • Country: Macedonia
    Have updated one of the best old songs... out of sheer frustration...
  • Country: Macedonia
    Aanother morning, trying to tear itself through the clouds...
  • Country: Macedonia
    Same lake, same vista, always different view!
  • Country: Macedonia
    Ice melting... nothing really serious!
  • Country: Macedonia
    Incidentally spotted corelation of rose twig and distant mountain
  • Country: Macedonia
    Marianne loves morning scenery on the Lake...
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