Lake Photos

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  • Country: Macedonia
    Not really, it just looks as if the bathers were chasing the fish. Fun!
  • Country: Macedonia
    Another classically beautiful lake Ohrid day.
  • Country: Macedonia
    Rowing sport is actually that... and the girl here is training hard for the next competition.
  • Country: Macedonia
    One of the bigger crawdads that I have met in the Lake... the length of the body would be about 15 centimeters.
  • Country: Macedonia
    ... as seen from the reflection in the lake.
  • Country: Macedonia
    ... in our favorite Fish Restaurant... looking at the surrounding area where there are several similar nice places to enjoy your meal.
  • Country: Macedonia
    Scirocco (the southeasterly wind) raises waves that influence even deeper water layers, sometimes down to -7 meters. The sediment is then whirled up and the lake waters may at times
  • Country: Macedonia
    Lake bottom vegetation, swaying and dancing in the rhythm of waves...
  • Country: Macedonia
    The smoke from many houses burning firewood for heating will hang over the urban area if there's no wind to disperse it...
  • Country: Macedonia
    The way my Lake changes face within short time... and it has many more faces for each new day!
  • Country: Macedonia
    Many people that fish are not aware that it's not the fish they're after... it's peace and Nature!
  • Country: Macedonia
    The scene was unique, and for a moment it looked as if the mountain top was floating between the lower and higher clouds...
  • Country: Macedonia
    Sometimes one can find the clusters of floating reed that someone has cut off to widen the beach... Sadly, people still do not understand (or respect) the role of the
  • Country: Macedonia
    Lone chub slowly drifting in the lake reed forest.
  • Country: Macedonia
    Our neighbor absolutely must spend some time in her kayak on the lake, never mind the Winter season... :)
  • Country: Macedonia
    A crawdad partly lighted by the sunlight through the lake water.
  • Country: Macedonia
    Since many people wonder what zilch is, I wanted to show it to you. There is one under almost every rock; at least, it's my experience. Zilch has many names
  • Country: Macedonia
    Wavelets on the lake surface coercing sunlight rays to form into beautiful nets of nothing, crawling over the bottom.
  • Country: Macedonia
    The usual beaut, appearing when the rain is leaving.
  • Country: Macedonia
    Waterlily fower, ready to open...
  • Country: Macedonia
    The waves that break the reedstalks in winter, making place for the Springime's new shoots...
  • Country: Macedonia
    Photographed upwards, through the lake surface.
  • Country: Macedonia
    A length of jilted steel rope is slowly corroding away in the lake... just because someone was too lazy to think! Such folks will cost us our only place to
  • Country: Macedonia
    A watersnake slowly moving along the lake bottom, looking for an unsuspecting fish to catch.
  • Country: Macedonia
    Underwater vegetation slowly and graciously dancing in the rythm of currents.
  • Country: Macedonia
    Returning from one of my snorkelling swims right in time to see the storm coming from the North... it rendered an interesting contrast and surface appearance - typically for what
  • Country: Macedonia
    Even in black and white, the beauty of a simple wave is clearly seen... Water can do this to our eyes and mind!
  • Country: Macedonia
    The mighty Mt. Galicica across the Lake, wearing the cap of new snow, and clouds silently leaving new layers.
  • Country: Macedonia
    Sequence of waves along the Lake Ohrid coast, the effect augmented by telephoto lens depth-of-field compression.
  • Country: Macedonia
    One of the nice memory replays to have when the weather outside is wet, gray and cold. :)
  • Country: Macedonia
    A storm slowly brewing over the Lake... Time to go somewhere sheltered...
  • Country: Macedonia
    Another example of some lazy fisherman leaving their tackle wrapped around the reed, for me to remove and dispose of...
  • Country: Macedonia
    A fishing girl, and cute at that, hoping for a fish - but actually enjoying the action more... and also the appreciation of onlookers!
  • Country: Macedonia
    ... between a cormorant and the speedboat... Fun!
  • Country: Croatia
    Looks alarming, although it is only the bottom of the dried lake.
  • Country: Macedonia
    Two equally enjoyable ways of being on the water... the price of joy is the only difference.
  • Country: Macedonia
    The fish appeared as if guarding the passage between two straight rock on the lake bottom, but he was probably just looking for something to eat...
  • Country: Macedonia
    The way it looked across the whole width of the Lake Ohrid, which is about 13 kilometers from my POV.
  • Country: Macedonia
    Closeup of the reed leaf and several gas bubbles it has generated...
  • Country: Macedonia
    This is how it looks like emerging from the reeds, while snorkeling after underwater themes with the camera...
  • Country: Macedonia
    ... and not so rare on our Lake... but always a pleasure to look at after the day's work is done.
  • Country: Macedonia
    Under the rock in the Lake you might find a variety of interesting themes, but if there are no creatures there will at least be this gentle green shade to
  • Country: Macedonia
    ... as seen in the beer glass, for a change. Radozda (North Macedonia).
  • Country: Macedonia
    Just before sunrise, the beauty of the Eastern skies.
  • Country: Macedonia
    The watersnakes in my Lake seem to detect no danger from me; something I tend to regard as a compliment of sorts... and often calmly swim near me, and even
  • Country: Macedonia
    One of the bigger crawdads I have met in my Lake! The size and look of its pincers make him a serious pincher!
  • Country: Croatia
    On the bottom of the drained barrage lake Lokve, this waterlogged old boat sits since 1964 when the lake was formed. Every ten yars or so the lake will look
  • Country: Macedonia
    The last sunrise in 2020, and the first one in 2021.
  • Country: Macedonia
    Cormorants and practically almost all animals have that shake-off routine to keep the plumage and furs free of water. We humans have invented umbrellas! :)
  • Country: Macedonia
    Nice sailboat enjoying the moderate wind over the lake Ohrid.
  • Country: Macedonia
    Bad weather in the mountains across the lake, photographed from a warm and dry place!
  • Country: Macedonia
    A fallen leaf floating just under the lake surface, slowly decomposing to its base elemens.
  • Country: Macedonia
    Red sky in the morning, Sailors, take warning! Red sky before night, Sailors delight!
  • Country: Macedonia
    The cloud cover and sunlight angle has caused a moment where the Lake looked like it was illuminated from below. And then the moment was gone.
  • Country: Macedonia
    Motor boats should never be left moored in water this shallow, and especially those wth a Z-drive! But some "weekend captains" do not seem to care much about such details,
  • Country: Macedonia
    In some places the reed seems unaffected by winter storms and waves, while in other places the whole reed forests will be erased. This will obviously depend upon the water
  • Country: Macedonia
    Nice promenade along the Lake Ohrid in the city.
  • Country: Macedonia
    One of the millions of curiously shaped underwater lake rocks in Lake Ohrid.
  • Country: Macedonia
    Another funny shaped rock overgrown in shells.
  • Country: Macedonia
    One of the millions of curiosly shaped bottom rocks in Lake Ohrid, mainly overgrown by mussels.
  • Country: Macedonia
    Easy come, easy go... all thawed away, and into the Lake. Which is good.
  • Country: Macedonia
    The hook, line and sinker stuck, the float snagged in the reed too... no more fishing today. Someone inconsiderately left the whole in the water, so I had to remove
  • Country: Macedonia
    Earth night lamp rising over the Lake Ohrid.
  • Country: Macedonia
    Well, the small snake did not exactly say that... the idea appeared when I saw the perspective in the photo!
  • Country: Macedonia
    In about six months these will be large chubs! That is, those that survive in their harsh environment, full of hungry mouths.
  • Country: Macedonia
    Using the float foam in the funniest way I have seen - so far!
  • Country: Macedonia
    Moonlight reflection, created by wavelets.
  • Country: Macedonia
    The underwater rock layers look like something built, but is quite natural.
  • Country: Macedonia
    One more encounter in my Lake... young and curious, the watersnake is very interested in my red snorkel. Probably because anything red in the lake is rare!
  • Country: Macedonia
    Another beautiful morning over Lake Ohrid!
  • Country: Macedonia
    Disturb the bottom sand a little, and the fish will come immediately to seek out some edibles...
  • Country: Macedonia
    The camera has measured the WB and intensity by the LED streetlight color temperature, and the Moon appeared reddish. It looked nice, so I left it untouched!
  • Country: Macedonia
    ... or so it appears... with eyes covered.
  • Country: Macedonia
    Luckily the water was still warm enough... not for me, but our doggie likes it somewhat cooler too!
  • Country: Macedonia
    An inflatable kayak "parked" in the reed - which is easier than taking it out of water or anchoring between rides.
  • Country: Macedonia
    A pair of lake crustaceans hiding in the rock shade.
  • Country: Macedonia
    ... through the reed forest.
  • Country: Macedonia
    The glistening lake and an early fishing boat, for contrast.
  • Country: Macedonia
    I run into the abandoned fishing line while swimming. Luckily I missed the hook...
  • Country: Macedonia
    Another beautiful shooting light over the lake...
  • Country: Macedonia
    Not really. I sketched-in the mask to highligt the ugly times we live in... versus the beauty of the overall scene!
  • Country: Macedonia
    Pretty rare to see in open water...
  • Country: Macedonia
    A crawdad caught at doing something that looked to be precise... thus the Title!
  • Country: Macedonia
    I hope they found that pot o'gold... Then again, it's visible only from my POV!
  • Country: Macedonia
    ... air - and in water too! I was lucky to spot and photograph a pair of mating watersnakes.
  • Country: Macedonia
    ... to get some fresh air... and possibly a fish or three!
  • Country: Macedonia
    Blue scene over Lake Ohrid
  • Country: Macedonia
    A compass can be a lifesaver in the depth, especially when the bottom looks the same in every direction, or when the visibility is low. Unlike on dry land, the
  • Country: Macedonia
    The snake was interested in the camera, not in my fingers wrapped around it! And this one was big! :)
  • Country: Macedonia
    This crab could not decide how to move away from me... :)
  • Country: Macedonia
    ... and right in front of my eyes and camera!
  • Country: Macedonia
    Whether this was an attempt at sailing or simply a yoga posture, it was equally interesting to photograph! :)
  • Country: Macedonia
    Waterskiing, slowly being replaced or outnumbered by the jetski speeding.
  • Country: Macedonia
    Entry into the dense reed forest in my Lake, where I often go to enjoy the wide variety of life.
  • Country: Macedonia
    A mountainside to be visited by the storm. Mt. Galicica, Lake Ohrid.
  • Country: Macedonia
    A torn-off segment of the underwater plant, floating to its new destination. It's the way these multiply.
  • Country: Macedonia
    Dead crawfish (crawdad) is something I also see, unfortunately. Just hope it's old age and not some vile chemistry...
  • Country: Macedonia
    Underwater scenes also have their afternoon hues.
  • Country: Macedonia
    Another beautiful sunrise over my Lake!
  • Country: Macedonia
    Crabs and crawdads are not the happiest of models, and when they see he photogrme they're probably happy to see me swimming away. But it's not happening - until after
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