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One Day is Not Enough at Grand Canyon National Park (Facts and Photos)

The Grand Canyon, located in northern Arizona, is the second most-visited national park in the United States: trailing only the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. On average, it receives almost 6 million visitors a year and is embraced by various forms of natural beauty, including mountains, p Read More

Grand Teton National Park and Its Spectacular Natural Features (Video)

The Grand Teton National Park embraces the most scenic portion of the Teton Range of Wyoming, with an area of approximately 150 square miles, or 96,000 acres. It varies from 3 to 9 miles in width and is 27 miles in length. The northern extremity of the park is about 11 miles south of the southern bo Read More

Top 10 Best Skiing Destinations in The World

Every season has its own share of excitement and fun to look forward to. With winter, it has to be skiing. Determining the top 10 skiing destinations in the world is certainly subjective. Nevertheless, be it for beginners or professionals, every snow clad mountain invites with its sheer white slopes Read More