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The Yosemite South Dome

With the exception of a few spires and pinnacles, the South Dome is the only rock about the Valley that is strictly inaccessible without artificial means, and its inaccessibility is expressed in severe terms. Nevertheless many a mountaineer, gazing admiringly, tried hard to invent a way to the top o Read More

How Best to Spend One's Time in Yosemite

One-Day Excursions No. 1. If I were so time-poor as to have only one day to spend in Yosemite I should start at daybreak, say at three o'clock in midsummer, with a pocketful of any sort of dry breakfast stuff, for Glacier Point, Sentinel Dome, the head of Illilouette Fall, Nevada Fall, the t Read More

Alcobaça: The Heart of the Portuguese Culture

Alcobaça, a small city that’s been around for ages, sits in a valley along the central coast of Portugal. Known for its massive gothic cathedrals and quiet beachside villages, Alcobaça represents the heart of the Portuguese culture. With majority of the city’s structures se Read More