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Some National Parks at a Glance

[Number, 18; total area, 10,739 square miles] NATIONAL PARKS IN ORDER OF CREATION LOCATION AREA IN SQUARE MILES DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS Hot Springs, 1832 Middle Arkansas 1-1/2 46 hot springs possessing curative properties—M Read More

The Flowers of Yosemite

Yosemite was all one glorious flower garden before plows and scythes and trampling, biting horses came to make its wide open spaces look like farmers' pasture fields. Nevertheless, countless flowers still bloom every year in glorious profusion on the grand talus slopes, wall benches and tablets, Read More

Portugal the Country and Popular Destinations

Portugal is a peaceful, beautiful, and mesmerizing southern European country on the Iberian Peninsula of the Atlantic Ocean. The country shares eastern and northern borders with Spain. Panoramic views of the Ocean are showcased in the western and southern sections. The Portuguese Republic’s su Read More