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Portugal’s Beauty in Ruins: A Revelation in Photography

Is it possible to find beauty in ruins? Can one see artistic glimmers within a place that is in a state of decay and neglect? The answer undoubtedly is yes, and Portugal is a testament to that answer. When I first moved to Portugal, almost two years ago, I was fascinated by what I saw as Read More

Yerevan, Armenia's Capital and Gracious Mount Aragats

“I was born and raised in X city” … This is how the stories about ones native town usually begin… Well, the truth is that I was not born in Yerevan, but I am hundred percent Armenian and spent most of my life in Yerevan. Hence, naturally Yerevan is my Native town. Yere Read More

Amsterdam: Where Attractions and Sights Meet Sustainable Development Goals

“This city is like no other city in the world. It is brilliant but it is bloated, and I've never called it home” - Jessie Burton about Amsterdam As a capital of the land of cheese, windmills and tulips, Amsterdam has a chance to be called as one of the most sustainable capita Read More