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Manuel Antonio National Park

Located on the Costa Rican coast, Manuel Antonio National Park is arguably one of the most beautiful national parks in the world. Pictures of its breathtaking landscape and stories of the magnificent beaches and sights quickly justify its rating in 2011 as one of the top twelve most beautiful nation Read More

Alcobaça: The Heart of the Portuguese Culture

Alcobaça, a small city that’s been around for ages, sits in a valley along the central coast of Portugal. Known for its massive gothic cathedrals and quiet beachside villages, Alcobaça represents the heart of the Portuguese culture. With majority of the city’s structures se Read More

Baleal and Its Impressive Geology

The picturesque fisherman's village of Baleal is located on a peninsula, connected to mainland Portugal by a stretch of golden sand and a thin stretch of beach.  The clean, unspoiled beaches along with the cool breezes, make it the ideal place to relax and play in the ocean. Enjoy a long st Read More