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Paris in 4 days: The Perfect Day and Night Sightseeing Itinerary

Is four days enough time to see a thriving cultural metropolis like Paris? Even if it is your first visit, the answer is yes! However, it is almost impossible to know what to see and when to see it: especially if you are on a time constraint. So, I wanted to provide a concise list of the best places Read More

Thimphu, Bhutan: Where the Happiness of Shangri-La Resides

It was a cold morning in February recently when I boarded my flight to Paro to reach the capital of Bhutan, Thimpu, for a four-day visit. While I was booking my trip, I realized that there were not too many flight options available to Paro. Instead, the list of possibilities was restricted to j Read More

5 Fun Things to Do While in Langkawi

Langkawi, famously known as the Jewel of Kedah, is a district in Malaysia made up on 99 islands. That’s right; the entire region is made up of islands. So, what will you see when you go to Langkawi? You will experience turquoise blue water, white sand beaches, locals and tourists roaming aroun Read More