
Do Not Drop That Camera

There is this young couple in front of the tavern, enjoying ice coffee and view. Both are photographers, or at least their cameras occupy the largest part of the tiny table surface. The man sees something interesting and instantly goes for his camera. Grabbing the grip with his right hand, he rai Read More

The Keys to a Successful Photograph

Imagine trying to write an essay without knowing what you want to say. Suppose you know that the topic is winter, but nothing more. It would be difficult to write an effective essay without having a point of view. You could easily end up just assembling a random set of facts about winter. If, howeve Read More

Watching Bird Behaviour

It was a lazy Sunday morning, cloudy and drizzly, a perfect romantic setting. I was going through the newspaper on my terrace sipping on my daily cup of coffee when I heard a shrill chirp from the opposite tree.  I was sure it was not a crow, but it did sound like a baby crow. I strained to loo Read More

Photo Tips - How To Create Better Landscape Photography!

At some point in our photo lives, we all give landscape photography a try. And when we see the results, for the most part we are disappointed. Today's photo tip will help you move your landscape photos to a new level, and give you something you can hang on your wall with pride. Landscape phot Read More

Professional Photographer Buys Her First Point and Shoot Camera and LOVES IT!

I am a professional photographer and I just purchased a point and shoot camera for the very first time. I chose the Nikon Coolpix P7700. Why is this a big deal? First, let me put things in perspective as to why is is a monumental moment in my life. I bought my first SLR camera in the early 70's. Read More

Photography And Vanity

There is an aspect of Photography which the photographers everywhere might find worthy of thought: DISHONEST PEOPLE CAN NEVER BE GOOD PHOTOGRAPHERS! That is an irrefutable truth, and any analysis will prove it to be iron-clad. To become and be a Photographer, one has to have an interest in Read More
Understanding 'Waterproof'
by Mihajlo Filipovic
Exif - And What It Is Good For
by Mihajlo Filipovic
Well-known Photography Books
by Travel & Daily Life Staff
Action Camera Snorkel Mount
by Mihajlo Filipovic
Nature Photography Tips to Make Money
by Travel & Daily Life Staff
The Best Photography Books
by Travel & Daily Life Staff
by Mihajlo Filipovic
Watching Bird Behaviour
by arun_krishnaiah
Introduction To Underwater Photography - 1
by Mihajlo Filipovic
Majestic Fine Art Nature Photography
by Travel & Daily Life Staff
Professional Photographer Buys Her First Point and Shoot Camera and LOVES IT!
by Travel & Daily Life Staff
How to Choose the Right Camera Lens
by Travel & Daily Life Staff
Photography Tutorials: A Beginners Guide
by Travel & Daily Life Staff
5 Key Techniques To Great Photography
by Travel & Daily Life Staff
Nature Photography and Its Beauty
by Travel & Daily Life Staff
Do Not Drop That Camera
by Mihajlo Filipovic
Introduction To Underwater Photography - 2
by Mihajlo Filipovic
Easy Digital Photography Techniques for Beginners
by Travel & Daily Life Staff
Rule Of Thirds and Other Stories
by Mihajlo Filipovic
DIY Belt Clip
by Mihajlo Filipovic

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