
Written by Nam Raj Khatri |
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Rama and Jana fall in love and got married. Their private life went up and down. In mean time they gave birth of two children Krish and Saana. Rama and Jjana could not make their private live harmonious. Jaana wanted freedom and expose herself. Rama was photographer but Jana was interested in dance. Rama was irritated by Jana and created lot of torture. When other people complained against Jana rama would be angry because he would not like to listen against his wife. When other people said few world in favor of Jana again Rama would be angry because for him Jana was matter of torturing. One day after discussion with his family about Jaana Rama committed suicide in the evening. That time Jaana used to live separate. Rama was survived out of intoxication and recovered in few weeks back to normal.
Rama and Jana separated in some stage and Krish and Saana remained in their maternal mothers’ house. But Rama would not be happy without kid. He made a beautiful dream for rest of life with kids. He requested Jaana to return them and Jaana agreed.

Rama fall in love with another girl named Naha and got married. Naha agreed to remain child less and take care of Crish and Saana. In mean time Rama became very famous cinematographer. Saana and Krish are growing. Saana became very attached with new mother Naha but Krish remain in contact with Jaana. He mostly remained in hostel and Jaana took him to her place during some of the weekend and vacation. Rama fulfilled all his needs.
Rama would tell some defects of Jaana and Jaana about Rama. Krish in his growing brain impacted by such negatives thought expressed by them about his parents. Krish started taking smoke and other drugs. He was not in control of Raama and Jaana. One day Krish lefe home with his one of the school mated. He went away from his home town but towards his maternal uncle's home. Rama informed to Jaana and complained to police. One of his friend found them in a bus park and informed ot police. Krish looked matured and smart to police. Hence he gathered Rama, Jaana and Haha in police station. Krish said that his father Rama was unable to give rime for him. Haha was okay. But general behavior of Krish is that for him Naha is external and illegal person at home. He wished to stay in hostel and visit Jaana in the weekend. Police made agreement as per wish of Krish and asked Rama to cover all cost. After some day's krish felt that he was burden for Jaana hence he returned back from hosted and joined local school and remained at home with Naha.
In mean time Krish started company of boys who are away from parents and started to make smoking group. One day he left home with other friend. This time he went to a tourist place and started to work in a restaurant. In some stage he was found by friend of Raam and brought back home. He was not accepted by his school. Rama admitted him in a rehab center.
In the Rehab center he was happy. He got leadership work in the group for the some tasks. Focus of rehab center is to bring back to normal and same they continued education also. One day Krish left center and visited to restaurant with his one of the friend. Center could not tell where about of Krish. Hence, Rama removed him from center. Krish did not like to stay in center and not in the house too. Hence he was admitted to a very good hotel with the condition that he would not continue smoking because it is not allowed in the hostel. Raama was in dilema where to admit or send back to another center. He assumed that Krish would be expelled from hostel when this clever by start smoking and his deposition will be in loss. But his elder brother suggested to get him admitted to hostel. This time Krish remained in hostel without any complains. After few weeks his face was looking normal. Krish was innocent, clever, gentle and Bright face. How it happened was a question. When asked to Krish about his new life in the new hostel he informed that warden in his new hostel treat him like a mother. That was only love without condition.


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Author: Nam Raj Khatri
Environmental Engineer from Nepal. Interested in art, photography, writing and short movie making on natural acting.


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