I am nothing,
Standing right in the middle of nothingness
Doing a lot, but nothing,
Gained a lot, but nothing
Worth nothing____ absolutely nothing,
And waiting, waiting for something
That too is nothing!
So hard it is to live
With shattered dreams
Things get so well at first,
But then you step into the light
And find out, that you are no one,
Having in you bawl literally nothing
Around me, I look at people
In streets, in Parks, in market, in universities
I see smiles
All are so happy_____ at peace,
I wonder, how are they so content!
I can see, they are nobodies too,
Then why are they not upset?
You live your life until
Until you become a flower____ fully grown
Then the Life lays its iron Hand on you
And teaches you things that you loath,
And you scramble, you fall and yet get up again,
And you are pushed towards a street with dead end,
Where you keep walking
Until the son of Eternity embraces you