Rats had been getting plenty around the house and my mum had just about enough of the rats and my brother, whom she had been nagging at to get rid of the rats unsuccessfully, that she used her last card which was to threaten him with food, and my brother had no defence against that.
So my brother set to work, brought his rat extermination gear which was basically our dog, a long stick and me as morale booster.
So,my brother started with acting like he had everything under control, even though he was trembling, and the dog was bouncing around like a professional probably because it sensed my brother's lack of clue. My brother checked the cupboard , saw about two or three small rats,he hit them with his stick, killed them and Immediately became overconfident, feeling like he could do anything. This was partially because of me overdoing my job
My brother, hungry for more went into the garage to search for more to kill. So, he carried a rotten old cupboard, expecting to find one small rat cowering in fear under it, so, he didn't anticipate what happened next. A big rat, the size of a cat jumped out. My brother acting on instinct and forgetting he had a stick, a dog and confidence ran for his life.
It would have been alright if it ended at that, but my dog, which naturally derived fun in hunting anything that reduced the attention it enjoyed as an only pet, chased it towards the side which my brother was running.
It was around that time my brother stopped, thinking he was safe. He looked back, just to see the rat running at a desperate speed towards him that my brother picked up speed, fell down and stood up without losing speed.
My brother was fast, the rat was fast, our dog was fast. So, neither of them caught up to each other, so they kept on running in a circle, that it seemed like the dog was chasing the rat, the rat was chasing my brother and my brother was chasing the dog.
The chase only stopped when the rat, getting used to my brother being in front of it that when my brother jumped over a hedge, the rat ran face first into the hedge and broke it's head.
The funny ending was when the dog carried the rat in it's teeth and went to show my brother it's prize. And my brother sighting the dog and expecting the rat to be coming also, ran with speed and the dog followed him innocently trying to show it's prize.
They ran like this until my mum interfered, because my brother had learnt that you only escape successfully if you don't look back, and our dog, enjoying the attention, did not stop.
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