I was obsessed, with friendship
I laid the foundation of my life, around it
Joy was continually aboard with me, even in township
I was always appeased, by its ever increasing heat
Then at once, it seemed the clock stopped ticking
When there occurred a change in place
Ever since, I suffered from heart ache
And an encroaching solitude
I put up a fight fate, for pulling down my foundations
But a loner like me, couldn’t win
My opponent vehemently says, it’s for the greater good
And this time, he swore I wasn’t fooled
Struggling with thoughts, of past fun fare
I realized, I had befriended myself
As none I was warring for, was doing same
The downpour of my tears, was unending
I braced myself, with all courage
I admitted, that fate was being truthful
As I had only being fooled, once
And surely, it’s will be the last.