
Written by William Kekaula |


Wrote a poem in the sand,

Wonder how it fares if left alone,

Will it bear on its own merits

Or juxtapose by meddling hands,

Meantime, sun dries it again,

Wind shifts it broad and thin,

Indelible puddles left by rain,

Sand critters pop out and in,

A boy and his ball rolls along,

With a long sigh, looks on down,

Builds a sandcastle then leaves,

Ebb tide gone, flood tide flows cleanly,

I returned, stood and discern,

Comme ci, comme ca, c'est la vie

Copyright ©

Form of Poetry

Free verse

Author: William Kekaula
I am a retiree of the hospitality industry, presently, residing in my birthplace town of Hilo, Island of Hawaii, a.k.a. Big Island, in the 50th State of Hawaii, USA, and as a writer, I have a passion for poetry, fictional and nonfictional short stories.


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