Country to experience rapid economic growth if UHC (Universal Health Coverage) initiative is executed properly

Written by DANIEL TITIYA |
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Country to experience rapid economic growth if UHC (Universal Health Coverage) initiative is executed properly

The president's UHC (Universal Health Coverage) initiative that is aimed at ensuring every Kenyan citizen has access to affordable health care is a great idea that will benefit Kenya and alleviate poverty absolutely. The reason for this is that it would have tackled the biggest set-backs of development bedevilling the African continent. If executed properly by the government and other partners, we intend to see rapid growth and development in the health, financial and industrial sectors as it promotes social cohesion, equity and stability.

Affordable health care will help to address perennial life threatening diseases like cancer, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis among others that have high mortality rates due to catastrophic expenditures that drive families and communities into poverty. UHC will therefore cushion households on this and also save lives.

Lack of medicines in our hospitals will now be a thing of the past as the government in partnership with KEMSA (Kenya Medical Supplies Authority) will ensure that quality drugs are accessible in our health facilities. Initially, lack of drugs has hampered treatment in hospitals and poor Kenyans had been forced to dig deep into their pockets in order to access the service.

Moreover, the emergence of counterfeit drugs that have been flooding the market will been combated as KEMSA in collaboration with KEBS (Kenya Bureau of Standards) will ensure that only quality drugs are offered in our hospitals and chemists.

Eventually, a healthy environment in the long run will therefore mean that the government can therefore direct its energy into other development issues and reduce financial expenditure on curative measures as it would have promoted preventive measures which are economically viable.

Arlen Specter, an American lawyer, author and politician once said that "there is nothing more important than our good health- that's our principal capital asset, " and this is absolutely true. Our president can never be this precise and timely like he did by identifying UHC as one of his four agendas in his second term in office.

However, the execution of this god-sent opportunity is not an easy accomplishment without the good will of all stakeholders involved. It requires accountability, transparency and public participation for it to be achieved.


Titiya Ommilah

Freelance Writer


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A member of the Fourth Estate by profession. Specialized in Print and Broadcast and attained a Second Class Honours Degree Upper Division. I am known to be focused, hardworking, reliable, diligent, dependable and self-reliant person who has the zeal and gusto to achieve his goals and objectives.


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