Arts and Culture

The Advantages of Being Selfish

Written by Jekami Adetiloye
Selfishness in our society of today has been wrongly associated with thinking totally about oneself and one's advancement, happiness,  success, etc at the expense of others. This is a type of selfishness I will like to call narcissism. However, there is another part of selfishn Read More

Mortified pride

Written by Athena Feex
OWhat if i told you that one day humans became, unserviceable, unworkable, unprofitable and even unachievable?   They mean nothing to earth anymore, they are just burdens that the planet must carry as they cause pain and agony to it. For instance Human influence is rapidly changing the climate. Read More

Young Hearts

Written by Juanita Smith
Her eyes were glued to the divine piece of jewelry. It was a wire wrapped crystal necklace pendant with chain opalite onyx and amethyst gemstones.  "D'you like it?" His voice was thick with apprehension. Dylan Morales was worried. Here he was, giving a present to Read More

Psychological Fatality

Written by Serena Wood
I’m sitting on the counter in your kitchen, I can hear my heartbeat pounding in my chest, a part of me hopes, as you walk into the room, that you can’t hear it too but another part of me wants to let someone in. Just once. Your eyes light up as you look up from the set of keys in your ha Read More

never enough

Written by Marie Cloud
A day in my favourite place could never be enough. 24 hours will always be too little for a soul so big, so endless in its own creation. They fall short to meet its expectations, my own desires, wishes to be close to the sun, to infinity, to you. They’re just too grand to be contained in a Read More

Major Forms Of Prose

The following are the major form of prose:   Long Prose-works Examples of The Great prose works and their Authors- ROGER ASCHAM – THE SCHOOL MASTER SIR THOMAS BROWNE- VULGAR ERRORS DAVID HUME- HISTORY OF ENGLAND JOHN ARBUTHNOT- HISTORY OF JOHN BULL   Read More

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