This is probably going to sound like a pretty boring favorite place, but I am not really one for those super “exciting” activities. My favorite place is at my house with my friends. A day that we do not have anything at all that we have to do would be perfect. We could do whatever we wanted for the whole day. We could play video games, watch TV, or even play outside. Just being with your friends is such a great feeling. You can make some of the best memories of your life with just a few good friends. I always end up laughing super hard whenever I am around a friend for long enough. I love to play video games, especially when I can share it with my friends and we can play together. Watching TV with a friend is also nice because then you can share your thoughts with them about what is happening, and just experience it all together. My favorite thing to do would probably be to just hang out in general. Just having conversations with each other, and playing games if we are in a group. You can play games like Hide and Seek, card games, and stuff like 20 questions. I am always the happiest when I am around people that I enjoy. Another big thing about being at my house is that I could show off all of my animals, and let my friends pet them. My animals always get super excited when they meet new people, and all of my friends are always happy to see animals. I don’t even kn0w any other way to explain a day like this besides it just making me happy. Even though it isn’t the most extravagant place to be, it is still my favorite place to make memories with my friends.